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My Internet Shrines

Internet Shrines were something that I had no idea what it was before joining Neocities and seeing a lot of people having them in their sites. So I looked into it and found my own meaning for it, that I'm putting here in case you also don't know the same way I did: a Internet Shrine is a fansite/fanpage about a form of media, artist, band or anything that you (webmaster) want it, that may also contain news besides information about it's topic, they used to be really popular in the Geocities era but it's pretty much which a wikia/fandom.com is now so even though they may seem "pointless" they're still fun to do.

Like I've said on the index, I consider my shrines as separate sites so they'll have their own links, credits about me and buttons (the buttons are wip though).


A Shrine about The Sims series (PC). It currently contains The Sims tips a list of CC of each game.


A one page Shrine about sweets, candy and desserts. It acts a database of my favourite sweets that I wanted to share.

The Dex holders

A Shrine about the manga adaptation of Pokémon, Pokémon Special (aka Pokémon Adventures). Still a bit of work in progress.

A Siren's Song

A one page Shrine about seafolk, mermaids, sirens, selkies and more. It contains info about them, movies featuring mermaids, mermaid gifs and much more.