about me

Loves the heat
Cat person
- Other -
Fortune Aspiration

Hi! I'm Ame, the owner of this website. I am an adult woman and
also a cat lady that currently take care of 15 cats,
(not a joke), most
of them are rescues but I couldn't find a new owner so I kept
As a kid I couldn't have cats at my house because we had 3 dogs so I'd pick up stray cats at school and bring them home. The first time that I did this I was 10, then when I was 12 I got my first cat (but he was mine only in the word because he would stay at my grandma's and she would take care of him), he was named Elazul (because of Legend of Mana but my relatives thought that it was a really weird name for a cat lol). At 18 I finally managed to get my own cat as a Christmas, he is named Elliot (from the DNAngel manga) and he is my oldest cat and I love him ♥. Then, after him, along the years, too many strays find their way to my house (I managed to get only 5ish adopted so I stayed with the rest).
So that's the resumed story in how I got all my cats. As a I kid I would like to live surrounded by cats so I managed to fullfil one of my life goals, which is great.
I also speak Portuguese (my native tongue) and Spanish which I'm studying, entonces tú te sientas libre para hablar Espãnol conmigo, por más que yo soy principiante me gustaría aprender más (^・o・^)ノ”

A not exhaustive list of my interests:
Modern and historical fashion (especially Roccoco, Victorian Era, Edwardian Era, the 20s~50s and street fashion);
Animes, mangas and webtoons, I like best original anime and standalone movies, but I'd watch pretty much everything and for manga and webtoons I like slice of life or unique manga;
Movies, especially movies that were released until 1965 and comedies;
Games, I like best tycoon, simulation and jrpg games (my all time favourites are The Sims series and Legend of Mana);
Cooking meals and desserts and baking;
Music, my favourites are jazz, big band, blues, traditional pop, oldies (I'd listen anything that was released until the 60s LOL), video game OST and emo/pop punk;
Asian dramas and short movies (that I only started watched recently), I enjoy slice of life dramas and the cartoons from The Golden age of American animation.
Cleaning and organising the house and personal organising (check out my cleaning book if you like this stuff);
Cats ofc and collecting cat-related stuff is one of my hobbies;
About Neko no Kuni
I started this website on a whim on October/22, it was known as "Zone
over imagination" back them. In March/23 I wanted to change my site
name to something that would fit the site more so I chose "Neko no
Kuni" which came from my favourite anime/movie "The Cat Returns" and
means "Cat Kingdom/Country" which is the land of the cats in the
I've never experienced Geocities and I confess that I didn't know what it was and that people used to create personal websites back then. I was attracted to Neocities because I'm tired of how the Internet and technology in general is today and I wished that the Internet could be like how it was when I first started using it. I don't use social media for a long time (actually I never used it that much, I only used Tumblr and it was because of simblrs) and today except for Pinterest and watching Youtube videos I don't have social media. But Neocities is different, Neocities opened to me a whole new world of tons of new stuff that I've never knew before (webrings, fanlistings, cliques, pixel clubs etc), fun communities to join, and remind me how the web could be fun again (also my pc is too old and I can't play new games, so Neocities is something new for me lol).
Click here to see the V1 layout and here for the V2 layout (the gifs are compressed).
Note: The site works on mobile but it wasn't designed for it so it won't work perfectly and you'll need to set your phone in landscape mode.
site credits
- For pixels, bgs, buttons, stamps etc I took them of the sites on my Links directory page (except the images on my "cool images" page). Go to the Web materials section, most of the pixels/backgrounds are from the pixel blogs/blog masterpost there. I use mostly Pixel soup and Pixel diary
- The anime on my banner is Bananya.
- The background pattern is from Transparent textures
- The lace border is from Da-lace
- These red arrow bullet pixels is from Whimsical
- The dolls (like the one on this page) are from Korean sites and the ones I use are either from Sayclub, Daum or Netmarble and as far as I understood about these dolls they aren't available anymore on these sites but you can find them reposted on Pixel blogs. I took mostly of them from Peachie's collection
- The gyaru gifs (like the one on the Index of the links page) are from a Japanese site called Decogirl. The site isn't working anymore, but the pixels were reposted on other sites and I took most all of them from Pixel diary
- The cat cursor is from Betty's Graphics
- The fonts used here are Walkway by Gemfonts, Peach Plum by Jo and Maru Gothic by Yoshimichi Ohira
- Mostly on the buttons on the footer (aside the ones from the actual sites) are from The 88x31 Gif Collection
- The banner on cat's media page is from Mitchiri Neko, the stickers are from the anime Kuruneko, taken from Line sticker shop
- The cleaning ads on my "Cleaning book" page are from vintage ads and I found them on google
- The images on the "Cat girl's database" page are from their original anime/manga/game
- The images on the "Cool images" and "Cat pictures" pages I've had for years and I don't know who their creators are/who are the cats (except when stated otherwise)
- I don't own any game, anime, images or other form of media here unless specified otherwise. And all rights go to their respective owners