Essential cleaning products

Back then when I started properly cleaning and taking care of my house I needed a list of products that could be useful and cheap, or essential products exactly as it is listed here. I wasn't satisfied in what I have in cleaning products' knowledge that I learned from my mom so I started browsing online, searching housewife's videos on youtube and experimenting myself and the end result is this list that I've got here.

Note: this list is based on my own experience living in a country which is hot most of the year, so the products listed here may not work for all types of houses.

The Basics:

Cleaning products can be divided in two categories: consumable items, which you'll use and constantly replenishing and are usually liquid/power products (e.g detergent, soaps, sponges) and long duration items, which you don't need to buy it every month but will get ruined at some point (e.g brooms, mop, buckets). So, we'll tackle each category here separately.

Consumable Items:

The essential products on this list, and their uses, are:

Long Duration Items:

The essential products on this list, and their uses, are: