My story with PokeSpe is pretty straightforward; actually, I think someone in one of the forums that I frequented before mentioned it to me (in 2011-2012), but I'm not sure. I feel that I've known about the manga for the longest time, so I don't even remember when I discovered it. Then, in 2017, when I was reading much more manga, I finally decided to read it (I was putting it off because the manga is just too long and I was lazy lol). I read everything until the US&UM chapter and lost a bit of interest in the SW&SH chapter. I reread again until the Yellow arc in 2021, then I stopped and started rereading everything now (2024) to write this shrine. To this day, PokeSpe is the longest manga I've ever read.

Since there isn't much to talk about my story with the manga, this page will be for my favourites only. This list may change since I am rereading the manga and it has been a long time since I read it.

Warning: This page has unmarked spoilers.

Female dex holders: Crystal > Platinum > Sapphire > Blue > Y > Yellow > White > Moon > Whi-two

Male dex holders: Red > Gold > Ruby > Silver > Diamond > Black > Pearl > Emerald > X > Sun > Green > Lack-two

Manga Arcs: RG&B > GS&C > R&S > D&P > Platinum > X&Y > B&W > B2&W2 > OR&AS > HG&SS > Yellow > FR&LG > Emerald > SM&USUM

*I still haven't finish reading SW&SH and didn't read S&V so I can't rank them yet.