Ame's cat blog

My comfy list to relax the mind

06 Sep, 2024

Initially this list was going to be a list of comfy games, but after seeing a lot of people there creating lists of relaxing stuff/mental health, I've decided to share my own list too. These lists are already partly in my head (and my media trackers sites), but it's good to put them all together on paper web to be easier to remember, and more people can find them useful too.

Comfy games

Some of these games are special because they're nostalgic, so that's why I classify them as comfy.

Comfy movies

I generally classify movies as comfy where it shows the main character's normal daily life (kinda of a slice of life but for real life), so the movies in this list will be like that (probably). I also like a lot of comedies, and some movies in this list are my childhood favourites. Note: Always check IMDB for the movie's rating (if you click in the movie rating, it will show detailed info about it, but it has some spoilers).

Movies in the same line are sequels.

Comfy anime & manga

I don't have a general rule about comfy anime and manga, I just chose feel-good stories. There is a lot of romance, short cat anime and kids movies there.

Anime and manga in the same line are sequels or adaptations.


Playlists, radios and video game soundtracks. Check in the Wayback Machine in case the video has been put down by Youtube. Some of the videos have too long titles so I've shortened them here.

Youtube channels

Note: all vlog-like channels in this section have no dialogue.


Note: some of the links might be duplicated of my links section.

Stuff to do